Coupang to Increase Investment in Taiwan


In a significant development for the Taiwanese business landscape, Coupang, one of Asia’s largest e-commerce retailers, has unveiled plans to escalate its investment in Taiwan. This strategic move aims to foster stronger ties between Taiwan and South Korea’s thriving e-commerce market, while also providing a platform for Taiwanese small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to flourish.

Coupang’s Bold Initiative

Coupang’s latest venture, known as the “Coupang Global Marketplace,” has captured attention by introducing a service that empowers Taiwanese SMEs to showcase their “made-in-Taiwan” products in South Korea. By leveraging this innovative platform, sellers gain direct access to Coupang’s extensive customer base, which boasts an impressive 18 million active users. This dynamic approach not only broadens the selection available on Coupang’s app in South Korea but also strengthens the connection between Taiwanese businesses and the South Korean market.

Bridging Borders for Success

This move signifies Coupang’s proactive engagement with Taiwanese SMEs, marking a significant stride toward strengthening cross-border e-commerce ties. The launch has been met with enthusiasm, with Director Leu Jang-hwa highlighting the importance of cross-border e-commerce services as a means to break through geographical barriers and time zone constraints.

Opportunities for Taiwanese SMEs

Coupang’s visionary initiative is poised to benefit thousands of Taiwanese SMEs, presenting them with the potential to thrive in overseas markets. Taiwanese sellers were officially introduced to the Global Marketplace during the 2023 Taiwan Cross-Border E-commerce Expo, held in Taipei. This event served as a platform for discussions and collaborations, showcasing the synergy between Coupang and Taiwanese businesses.

Market Potential and Growth

Taiwan’s burgeoning e-commerce landscape presents a promising avenue for growth. The country’s evolving technology and infrastructure have fueled a rising adoption rate of e-commerce, setting the stage for Coupang’s expansion. With a population of approximately 24 million, Taiwan holds a market size forecasted to grow from $19.6 billion in 2023 to $25.4 billion in 2027, driven by factors such as convenience and the increasing popularity of digital payments.

Coupang’s Positive Impact

Coupang’s commitment to making a positive impact extends beyond business ventures. The company’s collaboration with the Taiwan Fund for Children and Families (TFCF) underscores its dedication to social responsibility. By donating essentials such as diapers, toys, and banana milk in celebration of Children’s Day, Coupang exemplifies its role as a responsible corporate citizen.


Coupang’s decision to increase investment in Taiwan heralds a new era of opportunities for Taiwanese SMEs. The Coupang Global Marketplace not only connects businesses across borders but also fosters economic growth and collaboration. As Coupang’s bold initiatives continue to unfold, they pave the way for a more interconnected and prosperous future for Taiwanese businesses and consumers alike.